Monday, August 23, 2004

Stop listening to the lies, please believe me.

I am tired of these lies. We need to put troops in Afghanistan. We need to keep troops in N Korea. We have to know if Bush is reelected there will be a draft. What commander in chief sent our troops to baghdad without the proper body armor they need?
Music and arts classes are being dropped. Head Start (a program that has worked) is being cut. Transportation funds are being cut (more tolls and fares). Oil prices are rising. The deficit is rising. We haven't gotten Osama Bin Laden yet. Do I have to go on? Please WAKE UP!!!!!

You believe that republicans believe in self reliance? you are deluding yourself. The republicans believe in only supporting their business friends and partners. You are not part of the equasion. They only want to care about the bosses and their friends. NOT YOU.

Veteran's vote on Kerry looks bad

On randi rhodes show today she stated how the veteran's vote has changed. Before this swiftwater crap, kerry and bush were even 46% to 46%. Now it is 37% kerry and 55% bush. Are you, the veteran who changed his vote, insane? Pres. Bush had his dad help him from avoiding vietnam. Bush Jr. flew decomissioned planes. Bush may have gone AWOL, no one's sure. These swiftwater people are being paid by a bush supporter. One of them was part of Bush's reelection compaign as a volunteer. Kerry did serve. kerry did get hurt. it was documented. Don't you think it would have been proven if this was incorrect by the military? Please remember the following: Oil is about $50 a barrel, gas prices are rising, Overtime rules are changing which will affect peoples income, 5 soldiers were killed in iraq over this weekend. And you the reader are caring about something happening 25 years ago?? HOW IS THAT GONNA HELP US NOW?

howard stern thinks republicans (other than guiliani) think for themselves

This morning Howard stated that he supported NY Gov. George Petaki. It is rumored he as well as Rudy Guiliani might run for president. Howard has stated he does support Republicans but I have an inherent problem with them. I consider myself a libertarian/centrist. None of the main republicans have openly supported Howard Stern's plight, except for Rudy Guiliani. There is something WRONG where people will not question their leader President Bush. America is a place where you are supposed to be allowed to speak your mind and question authority. If Howard believes any other republican will think for themselves (other than guiliani, but then what will the religious zealots do to him?), he is mistaken. Republicans not talking about issues especially about freedom of speech is one step away from nazism.